Credit Reports 101 

Credit Reports 101 

Credit reports are an important tool for understanding your financial situation. They provide a snapshot of your credit history, including all of the accounts you have open and how you manage them. Understanding how credit reports work can help you make better decisions about borrowing and managing debt. Credit reports can also help you protect yourself against identity theft and fraud. In this article, I’ll explain the basics of credit reports, including what information they contain, what information it doesn’t contain, why you should get a copy of your credit report, and how to get a copy of your credit report.

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6 Ways to Hurt your Credit Score

6 Ways to Hurt your Credit Score

Your credit score is important for many instances in your life and is made up of years of credit history. You can’t make up a good credit history overnight, but you can quickly hurt your credit score if you aren’t careful. Here are six ways you can hurt your credit score and how you can avoid it.

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FICO vs. FAKO (Vantage) Credit Scores – What You Must Know

FICO vs. FAKO (Vantage) Credit Scores – What You Must Know

If you’re even partially interested in your credit score and you live anywhere on social media, you’ve likely heard a lot of debate between FICO vs. FAKO credit scores. While these terms correspond to your credit score, there is more to know about them because they are vastly different.

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